Welcome to Christian Straight Talk #CST

We believe every individual is on a journey as well as the church itself.  There are many ways that you and your church can engage with #CST - talk to us to begin that journey.


By sowing into #CST you are helping us walk in the vision God has laid on our hearts by Making believers stronger around the world, from listening to our podcast or reading #CST books, also by lifting us up in your prayers, thank you for sowing your gift.
Every gift in every will, however large or small, plays a vital role in our work.


Rev Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck have been meeting regularly since being introduced four years ago. Their Podcasts are now being put into book form, giving the reader an amazing insight into the revelations of the Holy Spirit through their conversations.

Daily Scripture Verse

Listen to our #CST Podcast

Want to Talk? We'd love to hear from you.